Ministry Materials

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"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set."- Proverbs 22:28 - KJV


01-0011 - Ten Shekels and a Shirt - Several thousand copies of this tape and CDs have been distributed. Letters from people in many places have been received telling of the challenge and blessings of this message from Judges 17 which illustrates the ever-present danger of "evangelical" humanism.
01-0012 - The Right Use of the Law - This message is essential to all who are concerned about results that endure from witnessing and evangelism.
01-0013 - God's New Thing - God's purpose in grace is to bring into being a people who will show forth His praise. This message focuses on the necessity of repentance as a vital part of God's New Thing.
01-0014 - So Great Salvation - A full view of all that has been provided for us by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Different message than series)
01-0015 - The Tragedy of Third Generation Religion - All who know and love our Lord Jesus Christ want to avoid the danger of compromise with the world. This message will help one to avoid being caught up in this compromise.
01-0016 - The True Vine - John 15:1-8 provides the basis in the Word for seeing and experiencing the Christ-filled life as the secret of victory and power.

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"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 -KJV


02-0011 thru 0015 - What kind of Being Is Man Series? - Several frequently asked and important questions are dealt with in this series: Why did God make man? Why did God make man so that he could sin? How did sin change man? What can he do?
02-0020 - Loved with Everlasting Love (5 Message Series) - God, the Father, reveals His eternal purpose to provide all that the believer needs to become all that God intended.
02-0030 - The Hidden Things of God (3 Message Series) - The history of the church from hillside to magnificent cathedral. Is it God's way, or our way? God continually reveals His hidden wisdom for our spiritual blessings by His Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 2)
02-0040 - The Cost of Discipleship (6 Message Series) - These studies describe the terms and conditions that the Lord Jesus Christ established for all who wish to follow Him.
02-0060 - Developing Your Full Potential in Christ (5 Message Series) - These studies in the Epistle to the Ephesians will help us to understand, receive, and experience what the Lord Jesus Christ provided so that we can become all He intended for us to be.
05-0011 thru 0020 - So Great Salvation Series I - So Great Salvation I will help the reader understand, first, the true meaning and necessity of godly repentance and, second, show how to take part in the abundant life that flows from the throne of God.
05-0021 thru 0028 - So Great Salvation Series II - Can you really know if you are saved? Can you walk in a manner pleasing to God? Yes, you can! In So Great Salvation II Paris Reidhead, examines some of the errors, pitfalls, and misconceptions current in today’s theological thinking. This series also presents a clear Scriptural basis of personal assurance.

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I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me..." - Galatians 2:20 - KJV


03-0011 - Salvation is Revelation - Salvation includes more than the convincing of the mind, it is also revelation by the Holy Spirit. In I John 5:10 we read what ought to be our testimony: "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness within himself."
03-0012 - Deliverance and Power - The Word tells us how we are to deal with three problems: guilt, temptation, and the need of power.
03-0013 - God's Work to Be Done God's Way - It is good to want to work for God. David found out how important it is to do God's work in God's way.
03-0014 - The Will of God for You - Most believers are quite ready for the big task from the Lord. How ready are we to do His will in the difficult little things?
03-0015 - The Baptism with the Holy Spirit - Let your mind and heart be challenged by truths in God's Word about the blood, the cross and the baptism with the Holy Spirit as shown by Levitical sacrifices and laws given by Moses.
03-0016 - Redeemed from the Curse of the Law - This truth is one of the foundations of our faith in receiving blessing from the Lord. Some have called this truth the believer's Emancipation Proclamation.

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"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19 - KJV


04-0011 - Not to be Wasted - The grace of God provides the way of escape for His children. When we embrace the will of God it is not in just a moment of surrender, but a lifetime. (John 3:16)
04-0012 - The Red Heifer - When we sin, fellowship with God is broken, prayers go unanswered and we fall into the chastening hand of God. The good news is that God has made provision through Jesus Christ. (Numbers 19)
04-0013 - Christ Explains the Law - Christ declares the function and purpose of the Christian in life and in the world. He sets forth the relationships of His people to the law. (Matthew 5)
04-0014 - The Nature of God - God speaks to each generation in terms of their specific need, but He also speaks in terms of eternal principles. (Ezekiel 33:11-13)
04-0015 - The Key to Understanding - The commandment given by God is to love Him with all ours hearts, souls and minds...and this love is to embrace our neighbors. The Son of God is concerned about people. (Matthew 22:34-40)
04-0016 - If You Agree - Your understanding of the Christian Life, and especially your prayer life, will be challenged and revolutionized by this message. You will never hear this text again without remembering this powerful exposition of God's Word. (Matthew 18:19)
04-0017 - The Normal Christian Life - This sermon by Pastor Paris Reidhead is taken from Ephesians 3:14, which is the second Apostolic Prayer and it concerns the normal Christian life. It tells us we must be rooted and grounded in love like a tree planted by the waters, able to comprehend with the Saints the dimension of Christ love, knowing the experiential reality of Christ’s love which passes the intellect, and all this that we might be filled unto all the fullness of God. This is living in the fullness of the Normal Christian Life!

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"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 - KJV


06-0011 The Fact of God's Love (12-08-1985) -
06-0012 The Measure of God's Love (12-15-1985) -
06-0013 The Purpose of God's Love (12-22-1985) -
06-0014 The Magnitude of God's Love (12-29-1985) -


"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation;" - Hebrews 2:3 - KJV


Finding The Reality of God - By Paris Reidhead - The purpose of this book is to help one understand the true meaning and necessity of godly repentance and to show one how to take part in the abundant life that flows from the Holy God.
Beyond Petition - By Paris Reidhead - Six Steps to Successsful Praying
Beyond Believing - By Paris Reidhead - These studies describe the terms and conditions that the Lord Jesus Christ established for all who wish to follow Him.


All proceeds provide for the continuation of God's Work began through Pastor Paris Reidhead

A Paris Reidhead Reader - Three Classic Sermons - Not to be Wasted, God's Plan for Your Life, and Ten Shekels and A Shirt. Link
The Greatest Sermon of the 20th Century - By Paris Reidhead - Brother Paris Reidhead was a prophet, watchman, missionary, pastor, teacher, and gifted preacher. A man called by the Lord to deliver the uncomproming message of the Gospel. This book has ten compelling sermons preacher by Brother Reidhead. Link
Unveiling God's Church - By Paris Reidhead -In Unveiling God's Church, a compilation of nine of Brother Reidhead's sermons on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, we gain deep insights on how we should think about the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. We learn the only reason for the Church existing is to glorify the Lord through the lives of its members and to bring Him honor, fame, praise and love. We learn job number one of the preacher is to deliver to the Lord a Bride pleasing to Him. Link

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Ten Shekels and A Shirt - By Paris Reidhead - EN ES DE RO RU PT(BR) FR

That I May Know Him - A Testimony - By Pastor Paris W. Reidhead

Availability and Angels - Acts 11:1-18
Christ Explains the Law - Matthew 5:17-45
Christ Our Great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-5:14
Christian Stewardship - I Corinthians 15:58-16:3
God's Plan for Your Life - Ephesians 4:11,12
How to be Filled with The Holy Spirit - Ephesians 5:18
If You Agree - Matthew 18:19-20
Not To Be Wasted - John 3:16 - An abbreviated form of Not To Be Wasted was preached at both the funeral service for AW Tozer in Toronto and the Memorial service later held in Chicago.
Red Heifer - Numbers 19
Salvation is Revelation - Matthew 16:15-17
Seven Stars and Seven Candlesticks - Revelation 1:12 - 2:1
So Great Salvation - Hebrews 1:1-2 and 2:1-3
Thanks be to God which Giveth us the Victory - I Corinthians 15:1-58
That The World May Know - John 17:18-23
The Divine Imperative - Matthew 4:19; Acts 1:8
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom - Romans 3:9-18
The Hidden Things of God - Part 1 - I Corinthians 2:1-16
The Key to Understanding - Matthew 22:34-40
The Message of the Gates - Nehemiah 3
The Nature of God - Ezekiel 33:11
The Normal Christian Life - Ephesians 3:14-17
The Principles of Missions
The Right Use of the Law - Romans 3:19-28
The Victor's Life Food - Revelation 2:1-7
The Victor's Life Crown - Revelation 2:8-11
The Victor's Life Secret - Revelation 2:12-17
The Walk of a Christian - Ephesians 4 & 5
Watch Ye, Stand Fast in the Faith - I Corinthians 16:13-14

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It is our way of faith that all of our materials are provided upon request without charge as our Lord leads and provides. Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries will pay all postage and handling charges. We are not underwritten by any foundation or grant, but the continuation of this Ministry is dependent upon the kindness and generosity of God through His people.

All materials are copyrighted by Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc.. Reproduction of tapes or CDs is authorized and encouraged without alteration and to be freely distributed.

Please indicate if you are a pastor or group leader.


To request audio CD(s) or printed materials, please print and fill out this form and mail it to Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc. at the address below. Or Order Online

Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries
P.O. Box 81378
Billings, MT 59108

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Our Board:

  • Rev. Virginia Teitt - President
  • Mrs. Wanda Collins - Sec/Treas
  • Pastor Stephen Woolverton 
  • Mrs. Susan Segar 
  • In Memory of - Mrs. Marjorie Reidhead
  • In Memory of - Mr. Rick Collins - Vice President
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    P.O. Box 81378
    Billings, MT 59108

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